The OOP is very special because it offers you a whole range of practially-oriented international software experts easily accessible in Munich.
Robert Martin will hold a keynote and session on Thursday.
Philippe Kruchten holds a full-day tutorial on Software Architecture on Monday.
Michael Mah holds a full-day tutorial on measurement and estimation and a session in the management & metrics track on Tuesday reporting on data from agile projects.
Eoin Woods holds a night school on Monday on Agile Software Architecture and a session on Tuesday on the top 10 software architecture mistakes.
Gary McGraw holds a keynote on software security on Tuesday.
Diomidis Spinellis holds a talk on performance issues and a full-day tutorial open Open Source on Friday.
Kevlin Henney on Unit Testing in C++ and Modelling in the Age of Agility both on Thursday and in full-day tutorial with Frank Buschmann on "Beyond the Gang of Four" on Friday.
Jan Bosch holds the opening session of the Product-Line-Engineering (PLE) track on Wednesday and also has a talk in the Architekturtag on Thursday.
Nenad Medvidovic has two presentations, one in PLE-Track on a framework for modeling product lines and the other (on non-functional properties) in the architecture track.
Eric Evans on Domain-Driven Design in 2 half-day workshops (morning basic, afternoon strategy) on Friday.
Gregor Hohpe has a presentation in the architecture track on Distributed Computing the Google Way and one in the SOA track on Coupling, Messaging, and Conversations.
Don't miss taking advantage of this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have these experts here in Germany!
Frances Paulisch
Sonntag, 29. November 2009
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